Flirting With the Dark Side

Many people bemoan Donald Trump for changing the face of politics in the US, but I've always felt that honour belongs to Sarah Palin. It was Palin’s explosive debut and ensuing rhetoric that turned poor McCain's 2008 campaign into a race for the bottom and allowed all the neofascist wackos to leach from the woodwork.... Continue Reading →

Eat, Or Be Eaten

I'm curious about the reactions ordinary people have to being trapped in extraordinary situations. Events that, although not catastrophic, register beyond the scope of our experiences, and our basic grasp of the social contract.It's probably safe to predict that when met with the unexpected, people automatically default to a right or left brain response –... Continue Reading →

Earth Woman

For someone who regularly spouts off about the perils of social media and how much I hate the digital era, I sure spend a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram. And for all of social media’s ‘cons’ (I use that word loosely) it does have its pros (again, translate as inclined.) As a confirmed... Continue Reading →

Of Faith and God

Earlier that day I'd headed to Point Grey Village for chocolatey croissants and a higher order of coffee. Instead of walking up 10th, the main road, I chose 11th. With its canopy of billowing evergreens and row upon row of perfectly manicured yards, it's quieter there, and makes for a prettier stroll. Four blocks up... Continue Reading →

Nomadland Could Use A Little Minari

Minari and Nomadland are two movies currently earning all kinds of praise and pre-award season accolades that triggered in me diametrically opposing feelings. I hated Nomadland (only lasted 20 minutes before shutting it off), and I loved Minari (sat there staring into the closing credits just thinking about it all.) The movies share a similar... Continue Reading →

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